SBA - Seoul Business Agency

KOR 전체메뉴


We bridge domestic and international distribution channels, amplifying brand presence through Seoul's distinguished product, the "Seoul Awards."

Outstanding Achievements

  • Seoul Awards Product
    25,502 products
  • Global Marketers
    1,224 people
  • Buyers
    1,823 people
  • Hi-Seoul Company
    1,019 companies


SBA serves as a global marketing hub, promoting the reach and distribution of Seoul's premier products.

  • International Distribution Center<
    Seoul Global Marketing Center

    Serve as a comprehensive one-stop support hub, driving the distribution and advancement of Seoul-based companies through the identification of outstanding products, domestic and international promotion, and market expansion.

  • Amazon Park
    Amazon Park

    Through Amazon Park, we support a one-stop export channel for Seoul-based companies in partnership with Amazon, the world's leading platform.

Domestic Distribution Network

Support the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises through various market support programs.

  • Support online marketing
    Support online marketing

    Enhance the marketing and sales of Seoul products by seamlessly integrating them with online shopping platforms.

  • Support home shopping
    Support home shopping

    Support the real-time sales of Seoul products via TV and online home shopping channels.

Overseas Distribution Network and Support

  • Trade on
    Trade on

    Provide year-round assistance to Seoul-based businesses for overseas advisory consultations and transactions through the online virtual exhibition hall.
    Categories for support: IT&Electronics, Medical&Bio, Beauty&Cosmetics, Fashion & Living, Food

  • Support for overseas online market entry
    Support for overseas online market entry

    Support the sales of B2C and B2B products through cooperation with overseas local platforms., Qoo10 Japan, Qoo10 Singapore, Rezel Home Shopping/ (Indonesia), TVK/Ganji Mall (Australia), Zhejiang Home Shopping (China), INBEBO (North America)

  • Beauty Trade Show
    Beauty Trade Show

    Provide overseas market advancement support for small but promising beauty&living brands in Seoul with 1:1 matching export meetings with international buyers, promotion with international influencers and more.

  • Support SME's offline expansion to overseas market
    Support SME's offline expansion to overseas market

    We support SME's product launch in overseas core districts by collaborating with large distributors, conglomerates, and related institutions.
    Global On/Offline Markets, Pop-up Stores, Sales Promotion Events

  • Support to expand new global markets-Overseas Trade Fair
    Support to expand new global markets-'Overseas Trade Fair‘

    By operating SEOUL pavilion in promising overseas trade fairs, we support SMEs in seoul to introduce their products to new global markets and to seek global buyers.

Growth Support Programs

  • Hi Seoul
    Hi Seoul

    An accreditation system designed for outstanding companies in Seoul, aimed at fostering mutually beneficial collaboration and facilitating the growth of exceptional SMEs within the city.

  • Fostering Global Marketers
    Fostering Global Marketers

    Expand and nurture the market for exceptional products in Seoul, in collaboration with adept professionals in sales, public relations, and distribution.
    1,223 persons of resellers, MDs, and influencers trained and connected to distribution networks.


  • Seoul Global Marketing Center
    Seoul Global Marketing Center : +82-2-2657-5708

    - Hi Seoul :

  • Amazon Park
    Seoul Global Marketing Center/Amazon Park

    Contact: +82-2-2657-5708
    Address:  (07563) 29, Gonghang-daero 61-gil, Gangseo-gu, Seoul
